I would be delighted to work with you to develop an affordable, straightforward estate planning solution to meet your individual needs.


Ready, Set, Go!

While establishing a comprehensive estate plan is essential, your plan could prove useless if your loved ones do not know how to access it when needed. Hunting for an estate plan during an emergency situation is not something a scared or grieving loved one should have to do. Especially in consideration of the unpredictability and seriousness of COVID-19, it is important to make sure your will, powers of attorney, and living will are easily accessible should you become ill or incapacitated. In a recent article, Forbes provides some ideas for storing a “go package” containing your most important estate planning, insurance, and medical documents in a convenient spot where it can be quickly retrieved by you or a loved one.

Recommended documents and information to compile in the “go package” include:

  1. Medical power of attorney or advance directive;

  2. Living will;

  3. Financial power of attorney;

  4. Last will and testament;

  5. Living trust agreement;

  6. Copy of insurance and/or Medicare card and information;

  7. General medical history including chronic conditions, prescriptions, supplements, over-the-counter medications, and allergies;

  8. Full legal name, birth date, and Social Security Number;

  9. Emergency contacts; and

  10. Contact information for medical providers.

Storing these items in a spot near the exit to your home where the package can be easily picked up on the way out the door or in another conspicuous location that is known to your loved ones can save time and stress in an emergency.