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Discuss, Write, and Disclose for National Healthcare Decisions Day

April 16th marks National Healthcare Decisions Day in the United States. Ahead of NHDD, results from a recent study by VITAS Healthcare shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has inspired Americans to consider their own healthcare plans and wishes for end-of-life medical care. Although more Americans are recognizing the need for a healthcare plan in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, a large percentage of Americans still fail to establish a written plan and discuss their wishes with loved ones.

Put a Plan on Paper and Communicate to Loved Ones

A written plan is the first critical step in making sure your healthcare wishes are carried about by your caregivers. Discussing your plan with loved ones is also important to help alleviate confusion and stress in the event that you become very ill or need end-of-life care. The controversy and guilt that may result when family or loved ones are forced to make decisions regarding your care without your guidance could last for years after you pass away. Below are two important healthcare decision documents.

Healthcare Power of Attorney

The healthcare power of attorney allows you to select one or more individuals to make decisions regarding your medical care in the event that you are incapable of doing so. This document outlines the scope of your agent’s powers regarding your medical care. Powers may include the authority to consent to care, admit or discharge you from a hospital or other care facility, have access to your medical records, make plans for the disposition of your body, and everything in between according to your personal wishes.

Living Will

A living will expresses your wishes for end-of-life medical care. If you are in a terminal state as determined by a physician and incapable of making a decision regarding your end-of-life care, your living will can take over as the legal representation of your wishes. By taking this decision out of the hands of loved ones, you can help prevent disagreement and regret for those you leave behind.

Communicating healthcare wishes to loved ones is an imperative but often forgotten aspect of a healthcare plan. When the time comes to put your healthcare wishes to work, clarity and understanding will make this process much more manageable for your loved ones.